Founding partner whose experience combines legal practice and university teaching in the field of Criminal Law in Spanish, Latin American and German centers. Lawyer with extensive professional experience in the field of Economic Criminal Law, member of the Criminal Law School of the Autonomous University of Madrid, and Professor of Criminal Law since 1998.

  • Law degree from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
  • Doctor of Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Extraordinary Award.
  • Professor of Criminal Law.
  • Professor of Criminal Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid 1977-1998.
  • Professor of Criminal Law at the University of the Basque Country since 1998.

Among his publications, it can be highlighted contributions on money laundering, frauds and crimes against the Public Treasury. The following are some of them:

  • “Manual of Criminal Law. Special part. “Patrimonial and economic crimes”, together with Dr. Miguel Bajo Fernández and Dr. Mercedes Pérez Manzano. Ed. Ceura.
  • “Compendium of Criminal Law, Special Part II, together with Dr. Bajo Fernández and other authors. Ed. Ceura.
  • “Manual of Criminal Law: Crimes against people”, by M. Bajo Fernández, ADPCP.

English, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Galician and Euskera.


Joaquín Solórzano is responsible for the Suárez & Solórzano office in San Sebastián. Member of the Bar Association of Guipúzcoa, specialized in economic criminal law, as well as in other branches of criminal law,  of common civil and provincial law, labor law and  administrative law.

  • Graduated in Law from the University of the Basque Country.
  • Master of access to the legal profession from the University of the Basque Country.
  • Illustrious Bar Association of the Señorío de Vizcaya.
  • English and Euskera.


Sarah González Roncal es la letrada coordinadora de los diferentes departamentos de la firma y de las oficinas de Madrid y San Sebastián. Miembro del Colegio de Abogados de Guipúzcoa, especializada en Extranjería, en Derecho Laboral y en Derecho de familia.

  • Licenciada en derecho por la Universidad de Barcelona.
  • Máster de acceso a la abogacía en la Universidad del País Vasco.
  • Máster de inglés jurídico y práctica jurídica en Chicago EEUU.
  • Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Guipúzcoa.
  • Letrada colaboradora en ADICAE.
  • Inglés, Euskera, Catalán.


The office of lawyers of Suárez & Solórzano has agreements with law firms of recognized prestige in the field of economic criminal law in other countries of the European Union,  in order to offer a service of the highest level of quality. 


Suárez & Solórzano maintains alliances with specialized law firms in other areas of law, to provide an international service to our clients if necessary.